Sea of Thieves Deluxe Edition PC és Xbox letöltőkód

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Sea of Thieves 2024 Deluxe edition PC és Xbox digital (microsoft letöltőkód). PC-n is és Xboxon is tudsz vele játszani.

Angol leírás:
Celebrate five years of Sea of Thieves with this special edition, which includes a copy of the game with all permanent content added since launch, plus a wide-ranging assortment of extra cosmetics and collectors items. In addition to the 2023 Edition bonus content Hunter Cutlass, Hunter Pistol, Hunter Compass, Hunter Hat, Hunter Jacket, Hunter Sails and 10,000 gold this edition of the game comes with a further Deluxe Bundle containing the Black Phoenix Figurehead, Black Phoenix Sails, Crab Dab Emote, Deck Hide Emote and 550 Ancient Coins for use in the Pirate Emporium.

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