Feladás dátuma:
több, mint egy hónapjaEladó új 20kg TD8120MG Large Torque Digital Standard Waterproof Servo +alu kar
20KG Servo:
- High-precision metal gears with hard anodizing
- CNC aluminium middle Shell,
Control system :PWM control (1500 u-sec is the central point)
Working voltage:4.8V ~ 6V
Working temperature: -20C°~ +60C°
Torque :4.8V /17.2kg.cm
6.0V /20.3kg.cm
Idle speed :4.8V/0.15sec / 60 deg
6.0V/0.13sec / 60 deg
Steering angle: 180 Degree control by remote control
Idle current:4.8V/470mA 6.0V /650mA
Load current :4.8V/750mA 6.0V /950mA
Dead band :2usec
Lifetime:>15000 times without load
Moving angle:60°10°
Drive type: MOS drive
Motor type:Cored motor
Potentiometer type:Direct drive
Signal booster type:Digital
Weight : 62g (without accessories)
Ball Bearing:2BB
Gear material:Metal gear
Case material: PA66+fiber40%
Wire length:260mm
Wire gauge No and plug type:26AWG, JR plug
Brown wire:Negative
Red wire:Positive
Orange wire:Singal
Alkalmazás: 1: 8, 1:10 RC autóhoz, RC robothoz, RC csónakhoz stb...
Ár:4.999ft/db+posta (Foxpost automatába +1.700ft)
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