Feladás dátuma:
feb 11., 14:12Wakatu komlópellett 100 g (1697) (Kategória: Egyéb Komlók)<p>Alpha Acid Range: 6,4%
<br />
<br />Wakatu, or Hallertau Aroma as it is sometimes known, is a New
Zealand triploid hop with a lot going for it. 2/3 Hallertauer
Mittelfrüher and 1/3 New Zealand male, it was released in 1988 from
the New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Researchs hop
breeding program.</p>
<br />Its nicely balanced oil profile gives it an understated
floral aroma atop pungent fresh lime. Considered largely dual-use,
it can be added at any stage of the boil right and dry-hopped with
success. It has also been noted for its impressive flavor
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