Feladás dátuma:
dec 11., 14:12MANGROVE JACK'S M76 Bavarian Lager (1137) (Kategória: Sörélesztők)<p class="p1">A traditional top-fermenting yeast that has a good
balance between fruity esters and warming spice phenolics. The
yeast will leave some sweetness and will drop bright if left long
<p class="p1">Suitable for Witbier, Grand Cru, Spiced Ales and
other specialty beers.</p>
<p class="p1">Attenuation: High</p>
<p class="p1">Flocculation: Low</p>
<p class="p1">Usage Directions: Sprinkle directly on up to 23 L (6
US Gal) of wort. For best results, ferment at 18-25 degrees C
(64-77 degrees F).</p>
<p class="p1">Storage Recommendations: Store in the fridge</p>
<p>A következő sörtípusokhoz ajánlott: Lager, Pilsner, Helles,
Munich Dunkel, Rauchbier, California Common</p>
<p>Erjedési hőmérséklet:8-14 C</p>
<p>Javasolt adagolás: 20g/23l (1.050 O.G felett
<p>Kiszerelés: 10g</p>
<p>Flocculation: Medium</p>
<p>Usage Directions: Sprinkle contents directly on up to 23 L
of wort. For best results, ferment at 8-14 °C.</p>
Bolt (Üzleti felhasználó)
Utoljára aktív: 88 napja