Feladás dátuma:
nov 11., 14:12LALLEMAND Abbaye, sörélesztő 11 g (1671) (Kategória: Sörélesztők)<p></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Beer Styles: Belgian beers
<br />
<br />Profile: Abbaye is a top fermenting ale yeast of Belgian
origin, selected for its ability to produce great Belgian style
beers including high gravity beers such as Dubbel, Tripel and
Quads. The yeast produces a complex aroma and flavours may include
pepper, banana, clove, alcohol and (sweet) fruits.
<br />
<br />Flocculation: low
<br />Final gravity: medium-low
<br />Fermentation temperature: 17-23°C
<br />Advised dose: 4 g/hl Plato</p>
Bolt (Üzleti felhasználó)
Utoljára aktív: 51 napja