Jonathan Kellerman: Blood Test

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Személyes átvétel a kelenföldi négyes metró / 1-es villamos végállomásán / Etele plázánál / Őrmezőn.
Postázom is, utalás után, Csomag házhoz, Postán átvehető, MPL, Foxpost, Packeta stb automatakba is.
Nagyon sok könyvet hirdetek. Ha érdekelnek, nézz szét a többi hirdetésem között is. :)

It is a case unlike any psychologist Dr. Alex Delaware has ever encountered. Five-year-old Woody Swope is ill, but the real problem is his parents. They refuse to agree to the one treatment that could save this boy's life.
Alex sets out to convince Mr. and Mrs. Swope--only to find that the parents have left the hospital and taken their son with them. Worse, the sleazy motel room where the Swopes were staying is empty--except for the ominous bloodstain. The Swopes and their son have vanished into the sordid shadows of the city.
Now Alex and his friend, homocide detective Milo Sturgis, have no choice but to push the law to the breaking point. They've entered an amoral underworld where drugs, dreams, and sex are all for salewhere fantasies are fulfilled at any price--even at the cost of a young boy's life.

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