Joe Eszterhas: Hollywood Animal - A Memoir of Love and Betrayal

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Joe Eszterhas: Hollywood Animal - A Memoir of Love and Betrayal

Joe Eszterhas has written fifteen films which have made more than a billion dollars at the box office. Among them are Basic Instinct, Jagged Edge, Flashdance, Showgirls, Betrayed, Music Box and F.I.S.T. He is the author of the recent New York Times bestsellers American Rhapsody and Hollywood Animal. In 1975, his second book, Charlie Simpson'S Apocalypse, was nominated for the National Book Award. He was a senior editor at Rolling Stone from 1971 to 1975. He lives with his wife, Naomi, and their four sons in Bainbridge Township, Ohio.

He spent his earliest years in post-World War II refugee camps. He came to America and grew up in Cleveland - stealing cars, rolling drinks, battling priests, nearly going to jail. He became the screenwriter of the world-wide hits "Basic Instinct", "Jagged Edge" and "Flashdance". He also wrote the legendary disasters "Showgirls" and "Jade". The rebellion never ended, even as his films went on to gross more than a billion dollars at the box office and he became the most famous - or infamous - screenwriter in Hollywood. Jo Eszterhas is a complex and paradoxical figure: part outlaw and outside combined with equal parts romantic and moralist. More than one person has called him 'the devil'. He has been referred to as 'the most reviled name in America' but "Time" asked, "If Shakespeare were alive today, would his name be Joe Eszterhas?' and he was the first screenwriter picked as one of the industry's 100 Most Powerful People. But there are many more laters to this extraordinary work. It is the story of a Hungarian street kid who survives a life filled with obstacles and pain...a chronicle of a love affair that is sensual, glorious, and excruciatingly detailed look at a man facing down the greatest enemy he's ever fought: the cancer inside him. ..and perhaps most importantly, "Hollywood Animal" is the heartbreraking story of a father and son that redefines the concepts of love and betrayal.

730 pages

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