Gill Paul: Women & Children First - Titanic

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Személyes átvétel a kelenföldi négyes metró / 1-es villamos végállomásán / Etele plázánál / Őrmezőn.
Postázom is, utalás után, Csomag házhoz, Postán átvehető, MPL, Foxpost, Packeta stb automatakba is.
Nagyon sok könyvet hirdetek. Ha érdekelnek, nézz szét a többi hirdetésem között is. :)

She was the most magnificent ship ever built, yet on the eve of 14th April the Titanic sank in the North Atlantic, leaving the lucky ones floating in wooden rowing boats, and the rest struggling for their lives in the icy water.

The sinking of the Titanic not only steals lives but blows apart the futures of those who survive: Reg, a handsome young steward who works in the first class dining room: Annie, a gifted Irishwoman who is travelling to America with her four children: Juliette, a titled English lady who is pregnant and unmarried: American millionaire George Grayling and his wife Margaret who are trapped in a poisoned marriage; and a mystery passenger who never shows her face in public.

As each of them tries to come to terms with the aftershock of the fateful might, they must begin to rebuild their lives. But how can life ever be the same again when you've heard thousands of people dying in the water around you?

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