Feladás dátuma:
nov 8., 21:22Eladó a képen látható teljesen új gyári refurbished Dell Latitude E6410 palmrest touchpaddal bekapcsoló gomb panellel smart card olvasóval hangszórókkal!
Dell P/N: Hydhp 0Hydhp
Dell short spare part description: ASSY , Plmrst , W/Cscrd , JAE , E6410
Dell functional spare part description: Palmrest Assembly , JAE connector only , w/Contactless Smart Card , (Includes touchpad , touchpad buttons , power/wi-fi board , speakers , right & left speaker grills and contactless smartcard) COA label is now attached to the inside of the palmrest) , to fix KB intermittent failure issue (Order SVC Kit 5PPDN)
Másik Dell gyári szám Dell P/N: 2X11P 02X11P
Dell short spare part description: ASSY , Plmrst , W/Cscrd , UP , E6410
Dell functional spare part description: Palmrest Assembly , w/Contactless Smart Card , (Includes touchpad , touchpad buttons , power/wi-fi board , speakers , right & left speaker grills and contactless smartcard) E6410
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