Feladás dátuma:
dec 11., 14:11EAST KENT GOLDINGS aromakomló pellet 30g (307) (Kategória: Európai Komlók)<p>Nagyon finom illatú, Angol aromakomló.Általában IPA és Angol
Bitter sörökhőz használják.alfa-sav: 5,5 - 6%</p>
<p>EAST KENT GOLDINGS This hop has a very fine aroma and is
appropriately called the king of the English hops.</p>
<p>There is simply no better hop for an original IPA or a
traditional English Bitter. Often used for late hopping, but also
suitable as bittering hop due to the higher alpha-acid content.
There are many varieties of Goldings with the best flavour
historically coming from East Kent. alpha-acidity : 5,5 - 6%
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